The political economy of regional organisations in Africa – PEDRO project phase 2 (2021-2022)

How much traction do the African Union (AU) and regional organisations have over different agendas? In return, what shapes how African states engage with the AU and regional organisations? What role can the AU play in the international arena and what shapes its ability to speak with one voice? What are the challenges of promoting a continental governance agenda, or to ensure the benefits of the Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) are realised?
About the project
The second phase of our work on the political economy dynamics of regional organisations in Africa (PEDRO II) focuses on the AU and, in particular, looks at the following main areas:
- the AfCFTA implementation process
- the African Governance Architecture (AGA), in particular its links to peace and security, and
- the AU as an international actor
The PEDRO II project, carried out with support from the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), started in 2020 and runs until mid-2021.
For more information, get in touch with Bruce Byiers.

All work
External work
Election watch: The race for African Union top posts
Luckystar Miyandazi and Philomena Apiko, ECDPM brief, November 2020