
Impact is at the heart of our work. We engage in policy processes from beginning to end and commit to long-term relationships with our partners – to jointly accomplish change over time.

How we aim to achieve impact

Through our outreach and impact department we want to ensure the quality, policy relevance and practical usefulness of our work, and make sure that we reach the right people at the right time. The department includes a learning and quality support team, and a communications team. We work with both centre-wide and departmental theories of change. These visualise how our way of working contributes to outcomes and impact in five priority areas, and the assumptions our engagements are based on. 

Impact stories

Below we showcase some examples of our work. Some of the examples stand out in their contributions to changes set out in our theories of change. Others were widely quoted, referenced or used by policymakers, researchers or the media.

Photo by FAO/Giuseppe Carotenuto

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