Supporting peacebuilding in times of change project (2017-2018)

What drives support for peacebuilding in the EU institutions, Germany, Sweden and the UK? Is this likely to change as the geopolitical order and domestic politics shift? And how should the peacebuilding community respond to these changes? This project aims to answer these questions. We've analysed the significant and recurrent factors that influence support to peacebuilding in Europe – and how these impact the engagement of the peacebuilding community in the years to come.
About the project
What are the significant and recurrent factors that influence support to peacebuilding in Europe? And how will these impact the future engagement of the peacebuilding community in the years to come?
The changes in Europe’s political environment will likely have considerable implications for international and development cooperation, including peace and security priorities. We, therefore, asked ourselves: “How are the changes across Europe affecting European countries’ political and financial support to peacebuilding and prevention of violent conflicts worldwide?”
In early 2017, we launched a research project aimed at exploring the issues. We analysed what drives support for peacebuilding in the EU institutions, Germany, Sweden and the UK and why change is likely to have an accelerated pace, based on interviews with more than 60 people from ministries of foreign affairs, NGOs, development agencies and think tanks.
For more information, get in touch with Andrew Sherriff or Pauline Veron.

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In this interview, Andrew Sherriff, head of the European External Affairs programme at ECDPM, tells us more about the changing nature of peacebuilding in Europe. The video features Rory Keane (Head of Office United Nations Liaison Office for Peace and Security) and Sonya Reines-Djivanides (Executive Director, European Peacebuilding Liaison Office).

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