27 October 2022 10:00 — 11:30
Regional pharma manufacturing hubs in Africa: Moving from words to actions
On 27 October 2022 from 10:00 – 11:30 CET, ECDPM's Karim Karaki will present and Philomena Apiko will act as moderator at the event 'Regional pharma manufacturing hubs in Africa: Moving from words to actions'.
ECDPM staff involved
This online seminar, based on the study Operationalising pharma manufacturing hubs in Africa: Policy options for the EU, will aim to share insights and reflect on concrete ways African partners, the EU, its member states and their (financial) institutions for development can best support the implementation of regional pharma manufacturing hubs.
10.00 Introductory remarks and presentation
Operationalisation of regional pharma manufacturing hubs in Africa, in times of crises
- Jeanne Simon, Head of the global health partnerships unit, Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, France
- Karim Karaki, Policy Officer, Economic Recovery and Transformation, ECDPM
10.30 Panel discussion
- Moderator: Philomena Apiko, Head of EU-AU relations, ECDPM
- Gabriella Fesus, Head of Unit Social Inclusion and Protection, Health and Demography, DG International Partnership, European Commission
- Janet Byaruhanga, Senior Programme Officer, Public Health · AUDA-NEPAD
- Raffaelle Cordiner, Senior Investment Officer - Impact and Development Finance · EIB Global
- Florence Vandendorpe, Policy Officer - Health Desk, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Belgium
- Charles Gore, Executive Director, Medicine Patent Pool
Guiding questions:
1. What are the key challenges that need to be addressed in order to support regional pharma manufacturing in Africa?
2. What are some of the concrete ways that could boost the implementation of the regional pharma manufacturing hubs?
3. How the coordination between African and European stakeholders could be strengthened to ensure local ownership?