Roundtable on Sustainable African Agriculture and CAADP 2014 – Review: Summary of the Main Messages
On November 28, APRODEV and ECDPM jointly held a roundtable bringing together key stakeholders to discuss issues that are central to sustainable agricultural development and their implication for the Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP), notably focusing on:
(i) land and water management,
(ii) seeds,
(iii) participatory research and (iv) family and women farming.
At the start of both the UN International Year of Family Farming and the AU Year of Agriculture and Food Security the timing is right to highlight issues that are fundamental to the large majority of African people engaged in farming as their main livelihood. Through highly interactive exchanges, seminar participants discussed and exchanged ideas about their experiences in the field and about new policies and instruments. This note presents a summary of the key messages resulting from this roundtable and proposed follow-up activities.
Read the roundtable summary report
Photo by Darren Raw
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