Evaluation of the Instrument for Stability - Crisis Response Component (2007-2013): Final report
This report is the principal deliverable of the “Final Evaluation of the Instrument for Stability – Crisis Response Component (2007-2013)”. The evaluation is an independent assessment of the overall implementation of the Instrument’s Crisis Response Component (IfS CRC) commissioned and accompanied by the Unit 2 of the Service for Foreign Policy Instrument (FPI) of the European Commission.
The evaluation was carried out between January and July 2016 under the Lot 12 of the Framework Contract EuropeAid/132633/C/SER/Multi and implemented by the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM, The Netherlands) as lead implementing partner, and Particip GmbH (Germany). This report presents the objectives and scope of the evaluation, provides information about the profile of the IfS CRC, summarises the methodology applied for the evaluation, describes the findings per evaluation question, synthesises conclusions, lessons learnt and recommendations.
The objective of this instrument evaluation is to provide stakeholders in the European Union and the wider public an independent assessment of the overall implementation of the IfS Crisis Response Component (IfS CRC), paying particular attention to the results achieved against its objectives, and to draw key lessons and recommendations in order to improve current and future action financed under the Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP).