Monitoring and Evaluation of Support to Decentralisation and Local Governance: Kenya Case Study
In the course of the democratisation and institution reform efforts of the 1990s, support to democratic decentralisation and local governance, has become an important area for European development co-operation. Decentralisation processes in Africa have been attracting support from a variety of European actors in development co-operation. Alongside bilateral aid agencies, the European Community and NGOs, sub-national and local governments in Europe have become increasingly active in supporting democratic decentralisation and experimentation with new approaches to local governance. In the last years, there has been an increasing interest in the performance of development co-operation. However, as seminar reports and publications illustrate, assessing the effects and impacts of support to decentralisation on development still constitutes a considerable operational challenge for aid managers and their partners. The ECDPM found it worthwhile to have a closer look at this issue and conducted research on approaches and tools for monitoring and evaluating support to decentralisation.The following paper analyses the present practice in Kenya, a country that has engaged repeatedly in decentralisation efforts and received support from a number of European donors.
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