The limits of the UNFCCC and the need for domestic adaptation action
In this conversation, ECDPM’s Hanne Knaepen speaks with Annett Möhner, the UNFCCC’s adaptation expert, who guides us through the technical and policy aspects of adaptation with the UN context, as well as the role and the limits of the UNFCCC. They discuss the ultimate need for countries to come forward with ambitious adaptation plans and move to effective implementation while looking at success stories of countries like Nepal or the Pacific Islands.
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About Annett Möhner
Annett Möhner is a Team Lead in the Adaptation Division of the Climate Change Secretariat supporting the work of the Adaptation Committee: the principal advisory body on adaptation under the Convention. During the last 16 years at United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) she helped Parties negotiating the Cancun Adaptation Framework and the Paris Agreement; supported them in assessing impacts, planning, implementing and reviewing adaptation as well as accessing adaptation finance. Prior to joining UNFCCC, she worked for GIZ and OECD on issues related to climate change and development.
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This video appears in the climate edition of ECDPM's Great Insights magazine – check out the full issue or the other articles and multimedia below.