27 June 2024 10:00 — 12:00
What’s next for European climate and development finance in times of crisis: Scaling up innovative pilot initiatives under new EU leadership
On 27 June 2024 from 10:00-12:00 CEST, ECDPM is organising an informal roundtable discussion 'What’s next for European climate and development finance in times of crisis: Scaling up innovative pilot initiatives under new EU leadership'.
This event is by invitation only.
This event will discuss the future of European climate and development finance in times of crisis, highlighting some of the opportunities and challenges, with a view to identifying possible avenues that could be taken into account for the negotiations around the next MFF.
Introductory remarks on rethinking European climate and development finance in view of the upcoming MFF negotiations
San Bilal, Senior Executive, ECDPM
Presentation setting the scene
Karim Karaki, Head of Economic Recovery and Transformation, ECDPM
Roundtable discussion
Guiding questions:
How can we optimise our resources and adapt our financing tools to boost climate and development finance, given the current sovereign debt crisis and limited fiscal space of partner countries?
Potential avenues include:
- Concessional finance
- Innovative financing instruments including debt swaps
- Mobilisation of institutional investors
- Local currency lending
- Other
What are some of the challenges and opportunities and key lessons learnt in terms of what works, what does not, and how mechanisms could be further improved?
Are there any recommendations you would like to offer in the context of the upcoming negotiations of the next European Multi annual Financial Framework? What types of existing/new tools and approaches should be prioritised in the next MFF?
The meeting will be moderated by San Bilal