16 January 2024 14:00 — 16:00
Rechanneling Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) for food security and sustainable food systems
On 16 January 2024 from 14:00-16:00 CET, ECDPM will host a closed-door roundtable meeting 'Rechanneling Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) for food security and sustainable food systems'.
The roundtable discussion will shed light on the opportunities, challenges and added value of different technical and policy modalities for SDRs channelling and possible related options for actions to mobilise at-scale impactful investments.
This is a closed door event.
Addressing the dramatic levels of food insecurity, which keep worsening because of the combined impact of climate change, the growing number of conflicts and inflationary pressures, requires significant additional public and private resources. Given fiscal constraints globally, there is a pressing need for a global conversation on launching an “SDR for Food” initiative, to allow for more strategic use of special drawing rights (SDRs) to address pressing food security, food-climate nexus and sustainable food system issues.
In this context, ECDPM is exploring various political and technical modalities for the rechanneling of SDRs to promote investments in food security and sustainable food systems – taking into account recent institutional dynamics and possible political blockages.