Strategic Positioning and Trade-related Capacity Development: The Case of CTPL and Russia
A case study prepared for the project ‘Capacity, Change and Performance’ organised by ECDPM.
Countries large and small consider membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO) as part of a long- term strategy of domestic economic reform and greater openness to the international economy. International donors, therefore, have an interest in providing technical assistance because WTO member- ship promotes economic reform and further engage- ment of these countries in the international system. International donors also have an interest in providing long-term trade-related capacity development (TRCD) assistance to equip local experts and institutions with the knowledge and tools for effective implementation and enforcement of WTO obligations.
The question from a capacity development perspective is: what is the best strategy for combining short- term technical support and longer-term capacity development assistance to promote a sustainable TRCD approach in a particular country? This paper examines the effectiveness of a ten-year strategy adopted by the Canada-based Centre for Trade Policy and Law (CTPL), the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the Russian government, and local partners to develop a critical mass of experts within and outside government structures to support the short- and long-term interests of Russia as a member of the WTO.