Monthly Highlights from ECDPM's Talking Points Blog, GREAT Insights, Volume 1, Issue 4 (June 2012)
Modernising EU budget support or overloading the boat? Talking Points, Jan Vanheukelom and Nadia Molenaers, 16 May 2012 On 14 May the EU Council of Ministers adopted a new policy on providing budget support – a composite aid modality that involves financial transfers to partner countries’ treasuries, capacity development, policy dialogue and a results focus. This policy introduces a fundamental shift in the use of budget support. In contrast with the former policy, budget support will no longer be exclusively linked to poverty reduction and growth objectives, but also to the promotion of human rights (...) European Report on Development 2012 – Celebrating the Voluntary Guidelines on Governance of Land and recognizing the need to move beyond. Talking Points, Frauke De Weijer, 11 May 2012 Coming Wednesday, on the 16th of May, the new European Report on Development 2011-2012, authored by ODI, DIIE and ECDPM, will be launched. This report looks at increasing scarcity and how it is likely to affect the prospects of furthering inclusive and sustainable development. Increasing scarcity of land and water has already led to large changes in ownership and usage of these natural resources, and emerging evidence is clearly pointing to negative outcomes for the poor. In addition, the changes in land use patterns in developing countries are not contributing to a transition to a (...) Regional dimensions moving up in the agricultural development agenda. A report from the CAADP’s 8th Partnership Platform meeting. Talking Points, Jeske Van Seters, 11 May 2012 On 3-4 May, around 200 delegates came together in Nairobi for the annual Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) Partnership Platform meeting. CAADP, endorsed by African leaders in 2003, is the agricultural component of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development. Contrary to what the name may suggest, CAADP is not a (donors’) programme, it is a common and Africa- led framework for stimulating and guiding national, regional and continental initiatives to enhance agriculture productivity and food security. Forging partnerships is at the core of CAADP. In that spirit, the 8th Partnership Platform meeting brought together a (...) It’s governance, stupid! Talking Points, Bruce Byers, 4 May 2012 While “good governance” has been on donors’ agendas for some time now, development practitioners realise more and more that all reforms require an understanding of governance contexts. As a result, they increasingly consider governance as a cross-cutting element of all development policy with a subsequent rising interest and demand in political economy analyses. In this context – and with its mandate expiring in December this year – the OECD-DAC’s Governance Network (GOVNET) , a donor platform, met last week to discuss a “new focus and strategy” with ECDPM in attendance as an observer. Participants discussed a wide (...) JAES: We have a strategy, now we need a strategic partnership. Talking Points Simone Gortz, 27 April 2012 The Joint Africa-EU Strategy (JAES) is quite the opposite of what Herman van Rompuy, President of the European Council, warned of in his now famous speech on the EU’s strategic partners. In the case of the JAES, a policy framework in place since 2007, the strategy is spelled out in Action Plans. Yet the process and political direction of the strategy could be optimized. The JAES is meant to be the EU’s strategy towards Africa as much as Africa’s strategy towards the EU. This concept would mean that the partnership reflects both partners’ priorities (...) This article was published in Great Insights Volume 1, Issue 4 (June 2012)
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