Migration and development policies and practices: A mapping study of eleven European countries and the European Commission
Migration and its linkages to and impact on human, socio-economic and political development currently features prominently on the international agenda. The United Nations (UN) General Assembly discussed the intersections between migration and development (M&D) in 2006 and will hold its second High Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development during its sixty-eighth session in October 2013. In addition to this, two other processes at global level will have implications on the M&D agenda: the follow-up to the Cairo International Conference on Population and Development in 2014 and the global preparations of the post-2015 development agenda, which also takes into consideration a third process: Rio+20.
In view of these ongoing high-level processes, it is both topical and timely to analyse the characteristics of current M&D policies. The key objective of this study is to analyse current policies, practices and trends in the field of M&D in eleven countries in Europe as well as the European Union (EU). It answers questions on the scope of M&D policies in these countries, underlying concepts and principles, the institutional framework in which M&D policies are implemented, as well as on concrete activities and engagement in regional and international fora. It also assesses the steps that have been taken to ensure “intra-governmental policy coherence”; that is, coherence across policies and actions between migration policy objectives on the one hand, and development cooperation policy goals on the other. Finally, the member states of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have committed to promoting Policy Coherence for Development (PCD) by taking account of development objectives in policies other than development cooperation on developing countries, which is of specific relevance for migration policies and their impact on development.
It is expected that this study will provide valuable input for continued policy discussions at the European level and beyond, as well as assist states in identifying future directions and common ground for addressing the inherent development potential of migration in the global, regional and national M&D debates.