Mapping labour migration in Europe

Labour migration plays a crucial role in addressing skill shortages within the European Union, but with 27 member states having individual migration policies, the landscape of labour migration pathways into Europe is incredibly complex. ECDPM has produced the first ever comprehensive visualisation of labour migration pathways covering all 27 EU member states to assist policymakers, employers and partner countries in understanding these labyrinthine, interconnected systems.

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    As part of a new video series featuring ten ECDPM experts on our 2024 highlights, Anna Knoll explores the one and a half-year project with the Migration Partnership Facility (MPF) mapping the use of labour migration systems across all 27 EU member states.

    In partnership with the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) and with funding from the European Union, ECDPM (in a consortium with CASE, Osmos, LaMP and Visuality), conducted extensive research, coordination, literature reviews and interviews to produce summaries for each member state, infographics, and an interactive tool allowing users to filter based on various criteria such as skill level, duration, country and sector requirements.

    We anticipate this research will stimulate discussions and contribute to the development of effective policies and coordination on how labour mobility might better respond to sectoral labour shortages, how the EU can attract and retain talent - as well as create partnerships that benefit labour migrants, origin and destination countries - and what barriers in systems and labour migration infrastructure need to be overcome.

    Infographic for Ireland

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