ECDPM Strategy Implementation Plan 2018-2021
This implementation plan spells out how ECDPM engages to deliver on its 2017-2021 Strategy. That Strategy explores the changing global context of our work and explains the rationale underlying the four areas of impact to which the Centre contributes.
Those impact areas are the following:
(i) Effective international cooperation frameworks and tools for tackling global challenges
(ii) Legitimate and accountable public institutions and engaged societies
(iii) Peaceful societies based on the rule of law, social cohesion and human dignity
(iv) Sustainable economic transformation with shared prosperity and decent jobs
Our Strategy implementation plan explains how we at ECDPM organise ourselves to deliver on our 2017-2021 Strategy. Key building blocks are the following:
(i) The ECDPM way of engagement, including the theory of change approach that we apply in our planning, monitoring and learning processes and the way we address identified risks
(ii) Our organisational structure, with five core programmes, each with its own long-term aim and context, and the horizontal support functions of the Centre
(iii) The ECDPM approach to strategic planning and learning, monitoring and evaluation
(iv) ECDPM’s strategic partnerships and our approach to fundraising
The more detailed focus areas of each programme are explained in the annual work plans of the Centre.