Talking Points Blog highlights – Great Insights, Volume 5, Issue 2 (March/April 2016)
Using the right word: The case for positive wording in development Talking Points, Danièle Kintz, 18 March 2016 A negative wording seems to be increasingly used in narratives on individuals and human societies as well as economic, social and cultural development. A balancing act: EU’s development and commercial goals in North Africa Talking Points, Sebastian Große-Puppendahl, 11 March 2016 Everybody is talking about it, from the European Commission and its EU member states to the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development: business needs to be better engaged in development. At the same time, there are growing discussions around EU economic diplomacy and interest in using public support instruments to help EU businesses to internationalise. This raises a fundamental question: to what extent can commercial and development agendas be aligned? Thinking beyond the resource boom: African countries must avoid procrastination Talking Points, Isabelle Ramdoo, 12 February 2016 The resource sector has entered into a new phase. Prolonged downswings in commodity prices, fuelled by (i) the double effect of slower demand from emerging markets like China and excess supply resulting from massive investments during boom years; (ii) the difficulty of developed markets to regain momentum and (iii) the tightening of financial markets are all threatening to turn what was not so long ago seen as tailwinds into headwinds, with even stronger swirls for some. Dealing with protracted crises: No time for short-term thinking Talking Points, Matthias Deneckere, 5 February 2016 Conflict and security will continue to dominate the EU’s foreign policy agenda in 2016. The continued flow of refugees seeking asylum in Europe is a sharp reminder of how the devastating impact of conflict and humanitarian crises in the European Neighbourhood and beyond can reach within the EU’s own borders.
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