CAADP and Food Security – Volume 1, Issue 7 (September 2012)

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    By Francesco Rampa
    International food prices have been on the rise for most of 2012, with the cost of corn and soyabeans hitting an all-time high this summer.It is since the global food price crisis in 2008 that agriculture and food security are back to centre stage...

    Interview with Martin Bwalya, Head of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), in the NEPAD Agency
    By Martin Bwalya
    What have been the major successes and key challenges facing CAADP over the last decade? How is 'CAADP' success...

    CAADP in a Nutshell
    By Dolly Afun-Ogidan
    The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) is a continent-wide agriculture initiative of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), which is the strategic economic development framework...

    Joint Action for Food and Nutrition Security: The Challenge
    By David Nabarro
    The UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon has issued a challenge - global zero hunger by the time he leaves office . This is an achievable goal. The political will to tackle hunger and increase access to food and the technical ability...

    Food Security in East Africa from a Trade Facilitation Perspective
    By Scott Allen
    If markets worked in East Africa, food insecurity could be significantly reduced. Unfortunately, market failures or government policy failures underlying market failures, in addition to infrastructure constraints, prevent this...

    Without More Effective Regional Agricultural Markets, Africa May Fail to Deliver on MDG-1: A Donor Perspective on Supporting CAADP to Promote Regional Markets for Food Security
    By Monique Calon and Hubert Blom
    The need for concerted action at the regional level only emerged in recent years as a key element of the...

    Investment Priorities for the CAADP: The Eastern Africa Farmers Federation's Perspective
    By Mainza Mugoya
    From the onset, the Eastern Africa Farmers’ Federation (EAFF) has embraced the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program (CAADP) initiative. EAFF commends the African Union Heads of State for making bold commitments towards addressing food insecurity on the continent, and...

    Agricultural Research in Africa: Why CAADP Should Follow IAASTD
    By Karin Ulmer
    CAADP, the Comprehensive African Agricultural Programme for Development is shaping African agricultural development programmes. The lead agency for implementing the fourth pillar on agriculture research, technology dissemination and adoption is Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), Ghana...

    Researching the Politics and Economics of Agriculture in Africa: The Case of Tanzania
    By Brian Cooksey
    The project is called the Political Economy of Agricultural Policy in Africa (PEAPA). We're asking how economic liberalisation and democratisation since the 1980s have affected farmers in a selection of African countries...

    Challenges, and Great Potential, for Mobile in African Agriculture
    By Sarah Bartlett
    There is increasing acknowledgment of the transformative role that mobile data services can play in developing the agricultural sector in Africa. But the deployment and business models haven’t always been clear...

    Food Security in Africa: Trade Theory, Modern Realities and Provocative Considerations for Policymakers
    By Raymond Saner, Charles Tsai and Lichia Yiu
    Recent publications from the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) clarify how price “shocks” recorded for globally traded agricultural goods have lead to tangible negative consequences...

    Africa and Brazil: Strengthening and Broadening South-South Agricultural Cooperation
    By Marco Farani and Pedro A. Arraes
    Brazil has been increasingly engaged in South-South Cooperation and tripartite initiatives with Africa, especially in the field of agriculture, where its successes in sustainably...

    Getting Ready for Take-off: Cross-cutting Lessons for Regional CAADP
    By Dolly Afun-Ogidan
    Starting in February 2012, GREAT Insights has published a five part series to share findings from a mapping exercise of regional Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), which assessed the major challenges and opportunities for the design and implementation of a regional CAADP compact and investment plan...


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