Calendar and Resources, GREAT Insights, Volume 1, Issue 10 (December 2012)
3-7 EU-SADC Technical Working Group on Market Access and Senior Officials
10-14 Pacific-EU Joint Technical Working Group, Brussels, Belgium
10-15 12th Meeting of the Joint ECOWAS-UEMOA Committee for the Management of the ECOWAS Common External Tariff, Abidjan, Ivory Coast
February 2013
11-15 ACP-EU JPA - Regional Meeting (Caribbean)
TBC PACP Trade Officials meeting
TBC West Africa regional consultations on EPA
TBC SADC EPA Working Group on Market Access
March 2013
TBC Pacifc EPA Joint Technical Working Group
11-16 EU-SADC Technical Working Group on Market Access and Senior Officials
Trade Liberalisation and Fiscal Adjustments: The Case of EPAs in Africa
Sanoussi Bilal, Melissa Dalleau and Dan Lui, ECDPM Discussion Paper 137, November 2012
Monitoring The Effects Of The Common Agricultural Policy In Developing Countries. A Review Of The Institutional Options
Niels Keijzer and Michael King, Overseas Development Institute, November 2012
A review of stakeholders’ views on CAP reform. What they say and what they have achieved
Henrike Klavert and Niels Keijzer, Overseas Development Institute, November 2012
Impact of EU Common Agricultural Policy reform on Uganda
Ole Boysen and Alan Matthews, Overseas Development Institute, November 2012
Impact of the Common Agricultural Policy on food price volatility for developing countries
Nicola Cantore, Overseas Development Institute, November 2012
Impact of EU Common Agricultural Policy reform on Uganda’s food trade with EU
Othieno Lawrence and Musa Luwanga Mayanja, Overseas Development Institute, November 2012
The EU's Common Agricultural Policy and Development
Dirk Willem te Velde, Sheila Page, Nicola Cantore, Alan Matthews, Michael King, Ole Boysen and Niels Keijzer, Overseas Development Institute Project Briefings 79, November 2012
What Opportunities Do The New EU International Investment Agreements Offer For Developing Countries?
Axel Berger and Julia Harten, DIE Briefing Paper, December 2012
The Impact of EU Bilateral Trade Agreements with Third Countries on the Caribbean Rum Sector
Nicola Cantore, Jane Kennan and Dirk Willem te Velde, Commonwealth Secretariat Trade Hot Topics 94, November 2012
2012 DAC Report On Predictability. Survey On Donors' Forward Spending Plans And Progress Made On Predictability Since the HLF-4 at Busan
OECD DAC, December 2012
On The Relevance Of Relative Poverty For Developing Countries
Christopher Garroway and Juan R. de Laiglesia, OECD Development Centre, November 2012
Avoiding Middle-Income Growth Traps, Pierre-Richard Agénor, Otaviano Canuto, and Michael Jelenic
World Bank Economic Premise 98, November 2012
The New Face of Poverty: How has the Composition of Poverty in Low Income and Lower Middle Income Countries (excluding China) Changed since the 1990s?
Andy Sumner, IDS Working Paper Volume 2012 No 408, November 2012
What Drives Tax Morale?
Christian Daude, Hamlet Gutiérrez and Ángel Melguizo, OECD Development Centre Working Paper No. 315, November 2012
Unpacking the International Technology Transfer Debate
Padmashree Gehl Sampath, Pedro Roffe, ICTSD Issue Paper 36, November 2012
Models for Trade Related Private Sector Partnerships for Development
Shannon Kindornay and Kate Higgins with Michael Olender, North-South Institute, October 2012
This article was published in Great Insights Volume 1, Issue 10 (December 2012)