
24 October 2022 15:0017:00

Development finance in the crisis-ridden era: Team Europe and the EFAD for a greener and more sustainable impact

On 24 October 2022 from 15:00–17:00 CET, ECDPM's San Bilal was present at the event 'Development finance in the crisis-ridden era: Team Europe and the EFAD for a greener and more sustainable impact'. The event was organised by ECDPM with the support of French Ministry for European and Foreign Affairs.

The event looked at concrete ways for the EU, its member states and their (financial) institutions for development to be more strategic, sustainable and inclusive when tackling today's challenges in the context of the European financial architecture for development (EFAD). The event was held in English, with French translation.

ECDPM staff involved


15:00 – Introductory remarks and presentation

Strategic reshaping of the European development finance for green and sustainable impact in an era of perma-crisis

  • Cécile Merle, Head of Unit European Development Policy, Development Department, Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, France
  • Dr San Bilal, Senior Executive, ECDPM

15:25 – Panel discussion

  • Kristina Hrbková, CODEV-PI, COHAFA, RELEX (GG) NDICI-Global Europe Coordinator, Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the European Union
  • Bruno Wenn, Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Association of the European Development Finance Institutions (EDFI)
  • Bertrand Walckenaer, Deputy Director General, Agence française de développement (AFD)
  • Lionel Rapaille, Director Neighbouring Countries, EIB Global
  • Kay Parplies, Head of Unit for External Action Guarantees, DG International Partnership (INTPA), European Commission
  • Johannes Schroeten, Policy Advisor, Sustainable Finance in the EU, E3G
  • Jeroen Kwakkenbos, Deputy Head of EU Office and Senior Aid Policy and Development Finance Advisor at Oxfam

Guiding questions:

  1. What are the key challenges the Team Europe and EFAD actors are confronted with in a multi-crises area (climate, COVID-19, Russian aggression against Ukraine, inflationary and debt pressures, food insecurity) to pursue enhanced coordinated actions for green and sustainable development?
  2. How has the EU political momentum for a geostrategic and policy-first agenda been articulated, at the EU and member state levels, to boost a green recovery and resilience through the EFAD and Global Gateway?
  3. Looking ahead, how can Team Europe members and the EFAD deliver at an even larger scale to further strengthen their coordinated impact on green and sustainable development, so as to best respond to the multi-crises, and contribute towards achieving the SDG?
  4. What tools and mechanisms can be mobilised (e.g., SDRs, debt adjustments and debt-for-climate swaps, GSSS bonds, policy-based finance, guarantees, syndication, securitisation, etc.)  

16: 30 – Q&A

17:00 – End of meeting

Event presentation

Event recording