
30 January 2023 10:0014:00

Development agencies and development finance institutions (DFIs)/public development banks (PDBs) collaboration to unlock sustainable investments

On 30 January 2023, 1000 – 1400 CET, SNV, with the support of ECDPM, is organising an informal closed-door roundtable bringing together a selected number of European development agencies and financial institutions to share informal views in their personal capacity, under Chatham House rules. This meeting will aim to assess the merit of a collaborative framework to help i) de-risk investments; and ii) build a pipeline of bankable projects, focusing at this stage on climate adaptation finance.

This meeting will take place at the ECDPM Brussels office and is an invitation-based, closed-door event.


Informal roundtable moderated by Dr San Bilal, ECDPM

10:00 - 10:10
Introductory remark by Simon O'Connell - Chief Executive Officer, SNV

10:10 - 10:40
• Coordination between donors, development agencies and DFIs by Karim Karaki, ECDPM
• Concept for collaboration by Alan Duggan, SNV

10:40 - 12:00
Strategic discussion structured around the following guiding questions:
• Why do you want to collaborate, to achieve which core objectives, at which level?
• What are some of the challenges and opportunities that need to be addressed, with which focus?
• How do you envisage cooperating, what are the relevant experiences and what could be a conducive
cooperation framework (e.g., SNV concept for collaboration)?
• Who should be involved in such an endeavour?

12:00 - 12:30
Lunch break

12:30 - 13:50
Development of a roadmap of actions and operational discussion structured around the following guiding questions:
• What are the most suitable approaches and instruments that could be used to foster this
collaboration framework?
• How best to develop and operationalise collaboration concept?
• What are the next steps and future actions to be taken, and by whom?

ECDPM staff involved