The Need for an ACP-EU Policy Dialogue on Science and Technology for Development in ACP Countries
The much publicized innovations associated with ‘new technologies’ - biotechnology, biomedical technology, materials science, energy technologies and information and communication technologies (ICTs) - have rekindled interest in the potential of science and technology (S&T) for accelerating the process of economic development among development policy makers. The UNDP persuasively summarized this new mood in its Human Development Report 2001 as follows: ‘if the development community continues to ignore the explosion of technological innovation in food, medicine and information, it risks marginalizing itself and denying developing countries opportunities that, if harnessed effectively, could transform the lives of poor people and offer break-through development opportunities to poor countries’. Such a challenge is enormous and can only be achieved on the basis of an open, ongoing policy dialogue among all actors who have a stake in improving the technological vitality of developing countries. Read Policy Management Brief 15
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