Calendar and Resources, GREAT Insights, Volume 2, Issue 6 (September 2013)
TBC | EAC-EC Negotiating session |
TBC | EAC-EU Ministerial meeting |
TBC | ECOWAS-EU Negotiating sessions |
23 September | SADC-EU Negotiating meeting (TBC) |
TBC | ECOWAS Extraordinary Summit of West African Heads of State and Governments on CET and EPAs, Dakar |
External Influences on Regional Integration in West Africa: The role of third parties
Sanoussi Bilal. In: Sohn, R., Konadu Oppong, A. (eds.). 2013. Regional trade and monetary integration in West Africa and Europe. WAI-Zei Paper 6. Bonn: University of Bonn, August 2013
Overview of the Decentralisation Process in Latin America: Main achievements, trends and future challenges.
Jean Bossuyt, Willem Vervaeke, ECDPM Discussion Paper 148, July 2013
European Trade Policy, Economic Partnership Agreements and Regional Integration in Africa.
Isabelle Ramdoo and Sanoussi Bilal in: KleimannI, D. (ed.). EU Preferential Trade Agreements: Commerce, Foreign Policy, and Development Aspects, 2013, European University Institute
The Enriching Business of Nutrition. Market-based Partnerships and Regional Approaches to Nutrition: What Role for CAADP?
Bruce Byiers, Simona Seravesi, ECDPM Discussion Paper 149, July 2013
The CAADP and Emerging Economies: The Case of Tanzania.
Anna Rosengren, ECDPM Discussion Paper 147, July 2013
Tax Administration Reform in the Francophone Countries of Sub-Saharan Africa.
Patrick Fossat and Michel Bua, IMF Working Paper, July 2013
Assessing the Effectiveness of Aid for Trade: Lessons from the Ground.
ICTSD Issue Paper No. 29, July 2013
Revenue Reform and Statebuilding in Anglophone Africa.
Mick Moore, IDS Working Paper, Volume 2013 No. 428, July 2013
Holding Excess Foreign Reserves Versus Infrastructure Finance: What Should Africa Do?
Cedric Achille Mbeng Mezui and Uche Duru, African Development Bank Group, Working Paper No.178, May 2013
The Contribution of African Women to Economic Growth and Development in Post-Colonial Africa.
Emmanual Akyeampong and Hippolyte Fofack, The World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 6537, July 2013
Scenarios Assessment and Transitions towards a Sustainable Euro-Mediterranean in 2030. Rym Ayadi and Carlo Sessa, European Commission, Policy Paper No.9, July 2013
Note on the European Union Strategy for Security and Development in the Sahel.
Africa Governance Institute, Policy Brief No.4, July 2013
The Design of Pro-Poor Policies: How to Make Them More Effective.
Sayantan Ghosal, The CAGE-Chatham House Series, No.8, July 2013
The Global Partnership for Development: A Review of MDG 8 and Proposals for the Post-2015 Development Agenda.
Charles Kenny and Sarah Dykstra, Centre for Global Development Policy Paper 026, July 2013
Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Sharing.
OECD, June 2013
Multilateral Aid Review Update 2013: Interim Report.
This article was published in GREAT Insights Volume 2, Issue 6 (September 2013).