The Cotonou Agreement: A User's Guide for Non-State Actors - Chapter 7
What is this guide about?
As the ACP-EC cooperation is no longer restricted to governments, opportunities for participation are now provided to non-state actors in the ACP countries. For these non-state actors to be fully involved in cooperation, they need to be well informed on the contents of the Agreement, and on ways and means provided for them to participate effectively. It is in that context that the ACP Secretariat and ECDPM have produced "The Cotonou Agreement. A User's Guide for Non-State Actors".
This guide has two main purposes:
- to inform civil society organisations, economic and social partners and the private sector in ACP countries on the most important features of the Cotonou Agreement, and
- to provide practical guidance on how all of these non-state actors can participate in ACP–EU cooperation.
Chapter 7: Translating this guide into practice - The guide is in your hands - what next? How to start dialogue and discussion? How to sustain information flows and knowledge sharing?
Overview page of the User's Guide for Non-State Actors
Published by the ACP Secretariat, Brussels, Belgium. Copyright© 2003 ACP Secretariat.
Funded by the European Commission. This is not an official EC document.
Read chapter 7