Regional Approaches to Food Security in Africa


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    This set of Discussion Papers presents an independent assessment by ECDPM on the status of regional approaches to food security in Africa. Discussion Paper 128a  Regional approaches to food security in Africa: The CAADP and other relevant policies and programmes in COMESA Francesco Rampa, Dolly Afun-Ogidan and Jeske van Seters Discussion Paper 128b Regional approaches to food security in Africa: The CAADP and other relevant policies and programmes in SADC Francesco Rampa, Jeske van Seters and Dolly Afun-Ogida Discussion Paper 128c Regional approaches to food security in Africa: The CAADP and other relevant policies and programmes in EAC Dolly Afun-Ogidan, Jeske van Seters and Francesco Rampa Discussion Paper 128d Regional approaches to food security in Africa: The CAADP and other relevant policies and programmes in ECOWAS Jeske van Seters, Dolly Afun-Ogidan and Francesco Rampa Discussion Paper 128e Regional approaches to food security in Africa: Early lessons from the IGAD Regional CAADP process Dolly Afun-Ogidan, Frauke de Weijer
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