Extractive Sector for Development – Volume 1, Issue 5 (July 2012)
By San Bilal and Isabelle Ramdoo
Extractive resources are becoming increasingly important for the economy of a growing number of countries. This is particularly true for Africa, where new natural resources discoveries are opening the prospect that domestic resources will further stimulate development opportunities ...
Treasure Hunt: Do Extractive Resources Work for Development?
By Isabelle Ramdoo
Africa hosts at least a third of the world’s known extractive resources. A glance at economic prospects of the past few years suggests that the continent has been able to capitalise ...
The Africa Mining Vision: Towards Shared Benefits and Economic Transformation
By Antonio M.A. Pedro
Africa’s abundance of mineral resources contrasts with the pervasive poverty of its people. The continent harbours the world’s largest reserves of several minerals and it is a global leader in the production of many others...
Can Africa Harness Potential Mineral Rents for Development?
By Silas Olan'g and Johannes Schreuder
Africa is a continent well-endowed with a variety of mineral resources; it ranks first in chromium, cobalt, diamond, gold and vanadium reserves and production, among others. For about a decade now, the world has witnessed a steady rise ...
CSR in the Extractive Sector: the Canadian Stamp
By Marketa Evans
Research conducted by Natural Resources Canada tells a fascinating story: cumulative investment by the Canadian mining industry overseas mushroomed from $30 billion in 2002 to over $110 billion today ...
Human Capacity Problems in Developing Countries and Local Content Requirements in the Extractive Industries
By Claudine Sigam
Capturing more value in the local economy is a priority for resource-rich developing countries in their quest for leveraging natural resources for development objectives. Research ...
Working in Partnership Towards Shared Development Goals: AngloGold Ashanti's Journey in Sustainability
By AngloGold Ashanti
Trust and legitimacy are critical attributes for any business. At AngloGold Ashanti, we have always tried to engage respectfully and in the spirit of good neighbours. However, in the past we have sometimes tended to ...
Contribution of the Minerals and Mining Sector to National Development: Ghana's Experience
By Benjamin Nii Ayi Aryee
Mineral commodities give countries possessing them an advantage in their developmental efforts. The sector’s resources and growth can be harnessed as inputs for holistic sustainable development ...
Financial Transparency in the US and the EU: A Reader
By Isabelle Ramdoo
This reader gives a brief overview of what is contained in the two sections of the US Dodd-Frank Act and in the EU Proposal to review the Transparency Directives and Accounting Standards ...
Regional Plans to Address Food Security in Southern Africa: State of Play
By Francesco Rampa
SADC never formally launched a regional Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) compact preparatory process as it is currently developing...
Monthly Highlights from ECDPM's Talking Points Blog
Read GREAT Insights Volume 1, Issue 5
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