If we take our future seriously, we need to revise our existing policies and to make all our new policies SDG-proof in order to have a positive global impact. This requires fundamental change in the mind set and has far reaching consequences for policy makers. Development cooperation will remain a key instrument in promoting sustainable development, but only alongside changes in other policy areas such as trade, migration and tax. Chapter 1 by ECDPM: Making the Agenda 2030 a reality: The key role of policy coherence to achieve development The Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development represents an action plan for people, planet and prosperity. Agreed by UN member states in September 2015, it seeks to transform our common global development pathway. But how will the different policies to reach the Agenda’s objectives interact? Potential contradictions within different thematic and policy areas would seriously hamper the realisation of the Agenda, while building synergies across areas would boost the achievement of the Agenda. This is why policy coherence matters.
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