Talking Points Blog highlights – Great Insights, Volume 5, Issue 3 (May/June 2016)
CAADP's future? Focus on informal private sector and politics Talking Points, Francesco Rampa, 29 April 2016 Two weeks ago, in Accra, I attended the CAADP Partnership Platform, the annual event where all stakeholders get together to discuss progress with CAADP implementation. Unfortunately, like in my assessment last year, there was “little walk” on the promise to “walk the talk” and deliver concretely on the agricultural transformation commitments of the AU Malabo Declaration. [...] Intercultural integration and communication: An agenda for Europe Talking Points, Damien Helly, 21 April 2016 As the EU is about to adopt a strategy on culture in external relations and a Global strategy on foreign and security policy, we argue that both documents would be stronger with the explicit mention of intercultural communication as key vehicle to (re)build trust with the world. [...] Four ideas to give Africa its place in the EU Global Strategy Talking Points, Annabelle Laferrère and Damien Helly, 5 April 2016 In less than three months, Europe will release its first-ever Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy (EUGS). The EUGS aims at creating “a stronger and more effective EU foreign policy,” in words of the HR/VP Federica Mogherini. But can this new policy document bring more unity to the EU External Action, especially in relation to Africa? [...] The Arab Spring, an 'unfinished revolution' in Tunisia’s regions Talking Points, Sahra El Fassi and Alfonso Medinilla Aldana, 1 April 2016 Imagine a country divided into 24 regions, each with very different capabilities and prospects to succeed. How would you treat them in a fair and equitable way? This is the challenge that Tunisia’s 24 governorates, 264 districts, and numerous municipalities, face.
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