International collaboration in Horizon Europe: A new approach to partnering with Africa
Together with DSW, ECDPM prepared a brief on research and innovation collaboration between Europe and Africa, sharing some concrete recommendations ahead of the 2020 planned release of the European Commission's EU research and innovation strategy.
There is increased high level attention to EU-Africa relations and the current political leadership of the European Commission has prioritised upgrading the partnership with Africa. In its communication towards a comprehensive strategy with Africa, the European Commission (EC) envisages working with Africa “to tackle together the challenges of the 21st century and to further our common interests and future.”
Amongst the many areas of enhanced partnership foreseen in the strategy is an “EU-Africa academic and scientific cooperation”.
This ambition should be given a substantive backing in the chapter on international research and innovation (R&I) cooperation within the upcoming Communication on the Future of Research and Innovation and European Research Area.