Contrary to ECDPM’s usual practice of two year Work Plans this one covers only 2016, the last year of the Centre’s current Strategic Plan for 2012-2016. A Mid-Term Review of the Strategy was conducted in 2014, which confirmed that by and large ECDPM was on track to deliver on this Strategy, although a more concerted effort was required in a few areas. During 2016 therefore ECDPM expects to consolidate the progress achieved and further strengthen the focus and relevance of our work as we confront new challenges. 2017 will be the year to introduce the new Plan. This Work Plan therefore provides for considerable continuity in our work but also proposes a stronger focus on consolidating outcomes that we feel are most attainable. Overall we seek to maintain ECDPM’s strong track record as an independent broker and contributor to strengthening cooperation and relations between Europe, its Member States and institutions, and the countries and institutions of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP). Read the Work Plan 2016
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