ECDPM Work Plan 2013-2014

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    During the years 2013-2014, ECDPM expects to consolidate the transition to a new Strategic Plan period that we embarked on in 2012. We will maintain our strong track record as an independent broker and contributor to strengthening cooperation and relations between Europe, its member states and institutions, and the countries and institutions of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP). The Strategic Plan, which is already showing its worth by guiding our work after less than a year in operation, was based on an external evaluation carried out by a team of experts from Africa and Europe. After extensive consultations with external stakeholders, the evaluation team concluded that ECDPM had become well established as a centre of excellence. It also concluded that the Centre continues to deliver great value for money, by achieving substantial outcomes and impacts in relation to EU-ACP policy, cooperation and related capacities. The external evaluation team also identified retaining our relevance and effectiveness in the current complex and dynamic global policy arena as the main challenge for the future. In response, we now have to build on our strengths and take a number of decisive steps in the upcoming strategic plan period to adapt and renew the Centre in the face of today’s changing global development context.

    Read the ECDPM Work Plan 2013-2014

    See also the French version of the ECDPM Work Plan 2013-2014

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