ECDPM strategy 2017-2021

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    This document spells out our ambition for the next five years to remain a leading European ‘think and do tank’ working for sustainable global solutions. It clarifies how we plan to effectively position ourselves in the rapidly evolving context of international cooperation, particularly at the European level and in relation to the widening global development agenda. It defines four transformational priorities that will help make the Global Goals for Sustainable Development (the 2030 Agenda) a reality for all:
    1. Effective international cooperation frameworks and tools for tackling global challenges
    2. Legitimate and accountable public institutions and engaged societies
    3. Peaceful societies based on the rule of law, social cohesion and human dignity
    4. Sustainable economic transformation with shared prosperity and decent jobs
    ECDPM is well placed to contribute to this agenda. The Centre has served since 1986 as an independent broker linking policy to practice in development contexts. We have informed and influenced European, African and international policies and forged partnerships for sustainable solutions. Our work has encompassed areas such as governance, peace and security, migration, economic transformation and trade, and food security. The volatility of today’s world obliges us to embrace a wide range of issues and build flexibility into our strategy, in order to accommodate the shifting priorities and demands of our multiple partners. We are aware of the risks attached to such a relatively open-ended approach. Yet we are confident that we can manage this broad agenda by putting in place filters and mechanisms to operationalise the new strategy in a focused, feasible, financially viable and results-oriented manner. The remainder of this document outlines the changing global context of our work; our way of working; the rationale underlying our four areas of impact; and the organisational changes necessary to deliver on our ambition.
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