Making support to food security in Africa more effective: A summary of the independent assessment of the CAADP Multi-Donor Trust Fund


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    This Note summarizes the outcome of the Independent Assessment of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF), undertaken by the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM), the Laboratoire d'Analyse Régionale et d'Expertise Sociale (LARES) and the Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF).1 The Independent Assessment revolved around three broad questions:
    • Is the MDTF building the capacity of CAADP Lead Institutions supporting the implementation of CAADP?
    • How far is CAADP implementation support through MDTF-sponsored institutions contributing to change in agricultural policymaking and planning in countries? What are other key perceptions of overall CAADP performance?
    • Has the MDTF improved alignment and coordination in CAADP support?
    The methodology adopted consisted of a desk-based review of relevant evidence, followed by qualitative interviews with a wide range of stakeholders at international, continental, regional and national levels. Given the complexity of the processes at stake, the multiple thematic dimensions of CAADP and the diversity of state and Non-State Actors (NSA) involved, a comprehensive assessment of the CAADP MDTF would have required more time for discussions and analysis. However, the purpose of the assignment was neither to conduct a 'fully fledged' evaluation nor a mid-term review, but rather the provision of inputs for a multi-stakeholder dialogue which is currently ongoing within CAADP processes. The time schedule of the assessment was short, to ensure its results could feed such debates on the way forward in 2014 on issues of MDTF effectiveness, in the context of upcoming reflections as part of the AU Year of Food Security. Read Briefing Note 63 Photo by UN Photo / Fred Noy / Africa Renewal
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