Between policy and practice: The EU Food and Nutrition Security Implementation Plan
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Largely overshadowed by provisional budget decisions on the European Development Fund, Development Ministers at yesterday’s Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) endorsed a long awaited and crucial EU Food and Nutrition Security Implementation Plan. The Implementation Plan (IP), entitled “Boosting food and nutrition security through EU action: implementing our commitments”, is the Commission’s tardy response to an invitation from the FAC to design an operational framework to better coordinate EU and Member States’ policies and programmes in the area of food and nutrition security. Whether the IP will actually be capable of doing so is the crucial question at hand, asked in this blog by Brecht Lein. The FAC requested an Implementation Plan by the end of 2010 in its conclusions endorsing the EU Food Security Policy Framework, one of the three communications (see below) that have now fed in to the IP. As such, the Plan is perceived as the operational closing piece of the EU’s long-term policy response to the international food crisis evoked by soaring food prices in 2007/08. It complements more direct humanitarian-development approaches such as the EU Food Facility and EU-led multi-stakeholder instruments like the AGIR and SHARE initiatives in the Sahel and the Horn of Africa respectively.
Better late than never
Speculation on the reasons for the excessive delay before reaching an agreement have ranged from administrative reorganisations at the Commission, to an overall lack of political drive from the Member States. Either way, the adoption of the IP is considered a milestone on the long road to a more concerted EU-wide approach to addressing global food insecurity and malnutrition. The stated aim of the IP is to define an operational response for the EU to deliver on policy commitments made in three prior communications by the Commission. Notably, the previously mentioned Food Security Policy Framework, the EU approach to resilience as presented in October 2012 and the EU Nutrition Policy Framework, issued in March 2013. The latter two were both also up for endorsement yesterday.3 C’s, joint programming and division of labour
In order to improve the Coherence, Complementarity and Coordination (the “3 C’s”) of EU and Member States’ cooperation, the Plan is based on a “three-pronged” approach centred on:- Enhancing political and policy dialogue on food and nutrition security with partner countries, regional and global organisations and other stakeholders like civil society and the private sector.
- Enhancing EU and Member States’ programmes, incl. implementing joint programmes where feasible, and including, but not restricted to, countries where joint programming is currently being carried out.
- Identifying interventions for Europe and its Member States, jointly or according to the Code of Conduct on Division of Labour, to contribute to global, regional and national efforts in combatting food and nutrition insecurity.
--- Brecht Lein is Junior Policy Officer at ECDPM working on Food Security ACP-EU cooperation @Brecht_Lein This blog post features the author’s personal views and does not represent the view of ECDPM.
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