Calendar and Resources, GREAT Insights, Volume 2, Issue 5 (July-August 2013)
CALENDAR July 24-25 July AU-EPA Negotiations Coordination Meeting, Libreville TBC EAC-EU Technical and Senior officials negotiating session CALENDAR Emerging Economies and the Changing Dynamics in African Agriculture: What Role for CAADP? Dan Lui, Anna Rosengren, Quentin de Roquefeuil, ECDPM Discussion Paper 145, June 2013 The Mali Crisis and Africa-Europe Relations Damien Helly, Camilla Rocca, ECDPM Briefing Note 52, June 2013 La crise au Mali et les relations Afrique-Europe Damien Helly, Camilla Rocca, ECDPM Note d'information 52, June 2013 Joining Forces for Peace Post-2015 Frauke de Weijer, Anna Knoll, ECDPM Briefing Note 53, June 2013 Towards Renewal or Oblivion? Prospects for Post-2020 Cooperation between the European Union and the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Group Mario Negre, Niels Keijzer, Brecht Lein, Nicola Tissi, German Development Institute - Discussion Paper, June 2013 From Purse to Policy to Practice: Six Initiatives to Future-proof EU Development Cooperation for 2014-2020 and Beyond? Florian Krätke, ECDPM Briefing Note 51, June 2013 All for One or Free-for-All? Early Experiences in EU Joint Programming Greta Galeazzi, Damien Helly, Florian Krätke, ECDPM Briefing Note 50, May 2013 Japan and the EU: Development Partners Geert Laporte, ECDPM Presentation, May 2013 Blending Loans and Grants: To Blend or not to Blend? San Bilal, Florian Krätke, Background note prepared for the 21st EDFI & INTERACT Annual General Meeting, 23-24 May 2013, Madrid, May 2013 Development of a methodology for country level assessments of PCD impacts on food security Quentin de Roquefeuil, Jeske van Seters, ECDPM Presentation, May 2013 Regional aid for trade 'effectiveness' and corridor approaches Dan Lui, ECDPM Presentation, May 2013 La perte de compétitivité est la rançon du succès Isabelle Ramdoo, Jeune Afrique, May 2013 Rapport Européen sur le développement 2013: Une action mondiale pour un avenir inclusif et durable Geert Laporte, ECDPM Presentation, May 2013 Migration and Development Policies and Practices: A Mapping Study of Eleven European Countries and the European Commission International Centre for Migration Policy Development, ECDPM Study commissioned and funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, May 2013 Scientific or political? Assessing options for the 11th European Development Fund allocation method Mira Markova, ODI Working Paper, June 2013 An Analysis of SADC Free Trade Area Ron Sandrey, tralac Trade Brief No. D13TB01/2013, June 203 Turn Down the Heat: Climate Extremes, Regional Impacts, and the Case for Resilience World Bank Working Paper 78424, June 2013 Power, Rights, and Inclusive Markets: Public policies that support small-scale agriculture Oxfam Briefing Note, 5 June 2013 International Migration Outlook 2013 OECD Publishing, June 2013
This article was published in Great Insights Volume 2, Issue 5 (July-August 2013)
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