Calendar and Resources, GREAT Insights, Volume 2, Issue 2 (February March 2013)
TBC ECOWAS EPA Ministerial Monitoring Committee, Praia, Cape Verde
TBC Pacifc EPA Joint Technical Working Group
11-16 EU-SADC Technical Working Group on Market Access and Senior Officials
TBC EAC-EU Technical meeting, Brussels, Belgium
TBC EAC-EU Senior Officials meeting, Brussels, Belgium
Mobilizing Aid for Trade to Enhance CAADP Regional Trade and Private Sector Initiatives
Eleonora Canigiani and Francesco Rampa, ECDPM Briefing Note 47, February 2013
Corridors of power or plenty? Lessons from Tanzania and Mozambique and implications for CAAD
Bruce Byiers and Francesco Rampa, ECDPM Discussion Paper 138, January 2013, ECDPM Discussion Paper 138
Resilience: A Trojan Horse for a new way of thinking
Frauke de Weijer, ECDPM Discussion Paper 139, January 2013
Practice makes perfect? The European Union's engagement in negotiations on a post-2015 framework for development
Adam Moe Fejerskov and Niels Keijzer, DIIS Report 2013:04, February 2013
Trade Facilitation Indicators: The Potential Impact of Trade Facilitation on Developing Countries’ Trade
Evdokia Moïsé, Silvia Sorescu, David Hummels and Peter Minor, OECD Trade Policy Paper No. 144, 22 February 2013
Sub-Saharan Africa: Trends in U.S. and Chinese Economic Engagement
U.S. Government Accountability Office, Report to Congressional Requesters, February 2013
BRICS trade is flourishing, and Africa remains a pivot
Jeremy Stevens and Simon Freemantle, Standard Bank Research Department, Africa Macro EM10 & Africa, February 2013
Fragile States 2013: Resource flows and trends in a shifting world
OECD DAC International Network on Conflict and Fragility, OECD Publishing, December 2012
Estimating the Constraints to Agricultural Trade of Developing Countries,
Evdokia Moïsé, et al., OECD Trade Policy Papers No. 142, January 2013
Challenges for European Foreign Policy in 2013: Renewing the EU’s role in the world
Giovanni Grevi and Daniel Keohane, FRIDE, 8 January 2013
Political Reforms and Public Policy: Evidence from Agricultural and Food Policies
Alessandro Olper, Jan Fatkowski, and Johan Swinnen, The World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 6336, January 2013
Reviewing the evidence: how well does the European Development Fund perform?
Mikaela Gavas, ODI and ONE, 31 January 2013
What Is Governance?
Francis Fukuyama, Centre for Global Development, Working Paper 314, January 2013
Investing in the Business of Development: Bilateral Donor Approaches to Engaging the Private Sector
Shannon Kindornay and Fraser Reilly-King, NSI and CCIC Report, January 2013
The Role of Local Institutions in Adaptive Processes to Climate Variability: The cases of southern Ethiopia and southern Mali
Todd Crane, Oxfam Research Report, January 2013
An assessment of the Trade and Development Cooperation Agreement
Ron Sandrey and Tania Gill, tralac Working Paper No. S13WP03/2013, February 2013
Donor in the Dark: Putting a spotlight on UK aid to small-scale farmers
Monique Mikhail, Claire Hickson, and Robin Willoughby, Oxfam, 25 February 2013
Sweet nothings: The human cost of a British sugar giant avoiding taxes in southern Africa
Mike Lewis et al., ActionAid, February 2013
Addressing Base Erosion and Profit Sharing
OECD Publishing, February 2013
This article was published in Great Insights Volume 2, Issue 2 (February-March 2013)