19 October 2022 19:00 — 20:00
Public development banks and private financiers for food security and food systems
On 19 October 2022 at 19:00 CEST, ECDPM, the International Fund for Agricultural Development, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization are organising an informal and closed-door side event during the Finance in Common Summit 2022, which will take place in Abidjan.
The event will focus on public development banks and private financiers for food security and food systems and will be moderated by ECDPM’s Francesco Rampa and co-hosted by San Bilal.
The event will discuss the role of public development banks for food security, best practices and blended finance pipelines for upscaling investment in sustainable food systems, to feed both relevant global processes and in-country investment pilots. It will also discuss the status of the work of the Platform for Green and Inclusive Food Systems, which was launched during the 2021 Finance in Common Summit, and provide conclusions as input for the formal summit communiqué.
This is a closed-door event.