
25 April 2023 15:0016:00

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Financing food security and food systems transformation

On 25 April 2023 from 15:00 to 16:00 CEST, ECDPM, together with Food Systems for the Future and FAIRR. is hosting a session 'Financing Food Security and Food Systems Transformation' during Good Food Finance Week (24-28 April) hosted by the Good Food Finance Network (GFFN).

The session aims to highlight opportunities for public and private actors to work better together towards good food finance, with a view to making nutritious food affordable and accessible, improving fiscal resilience, and promoting long-term sustainable socio-economic growth.


Ertharin Cousin, Founder and CEO, Food Systems for the Future)
Hamid Hamirani, Senior Investment Advisor, Food Systems for the Future (will present insights from a recent blog on the benefits of repurposing agricultural support).
Marco Sanchez, Deputy Director of Agrifood Economics at FAO
Melissa Miners, World Business Council for Sustainable Development; and previously Global Sustainability Senior Manager at Unilever
Sauli Hurri, Senior Regional Technical Specialist at IFAD in East Africa
Saleh Shanfari, CEO Oman Food Investment Company
Francesco Rampa, Head, sustainable food systems, ECDPM


Cecilia D’Alessandro, Policy officer, sustainable food systems, ECDPM

More information on Good Food Finance Week.