
11 December 2023 06:3007:30

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Building local ecosystems conducive to food systems adaptation finance

In the scope of COP28, ECDPM and SNV (Netherlands Development Organisation) organised this hybrid workshop on 11 December 2023 from 06:30-07:30 CET (09:30:10:30 GST) to bring together various stakeholders to discuss how they can collaborate to create local ecosystems conducive to public and private finance to support climate adaptation in local food systems in Africa. 

Discussions explored opportunities within traditional sources of adaptation finance and more innovative approaches to financing local adaptation, including blended finance and the mobilisation of private finance. At the end of the session, we came up with concrete ways to foster coordination and governance mechanisms that enhance accessibility to food systems adaptation finance at the local level.


Vandana Thottoli (Business Development Advisor, DFCD Program, SNV)
Sophie De Coninck (Programme Manager, LoCAL, UNCDF)
Pieternel Boogaard (Director, Agribusiness, FMO)
Elizabeth Nsimadala (President, Eastern Africa Farmers Federation)
Timmo Gaasbeek  (Senior Policy Officer Food Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands)
Alejandro Guarín (Principal Researcher Shaping Sustainable Markets, IIED)


Watch the recording of the session here