Calendar and Resources, GREAT Insights, Volume 1, Issue 6 (August 2013)

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    2-3 Meeting of CARIFORUM EPA National coordinators and Heads of EPA National EPA Implementation Units, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
    8-9 2nd CARIFORUM-EU Business Forum, with the theme “Making the CARIFORUM-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) Work”, London, UK
    27-31 43rd Pacific Islands Forum & Related Meetings, Rarotonga, Cook Islands


    5-6 EAC-EU Technical Level Meetings (notably on Rules of Origins and Dispute Settlements),  Brussels, Belgium
    27 Joint CARIFORUM-EU Trade and Development Committee meeting, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and  Tobago (TBC)
    TBC SADC-EU EPA technical meeting on Rules of Origins (venue, TBC)
    TBC ESA-EU iEPA Committee inaugural meeting, Brussels, Belgium (TBC)


    5-6 COMESA Council of Ministers, Kampala, Uganda
    6-7 COMESA Business Forum, Kampala, Uganda
    8-12 Central Africa- EU Technical meeting, Brussels, Belgium (TBC)
    26 Joint CARIFORUM-EU Council meeting, Brussels. Belgium (TBC)
    TBC Pacific-EU Technical negotiating session (venue tbc)
    TBC EAC-EU joint Senior Officials’ Meeting, EAC Region (TBC)


    Common or conflicting interests? Reflections on the Private Sector (for) Development Agenda
    Bruce Byiers, Anna Rosengren, ECDPM Discussion Paper, July 2012

    Trade, aid and rural development: EU sugar policy and the experience of Swaziland
    Ben Richardson, ECDPM Discussion Paper, July 2012

    EU development cooperation under the Cyprus Presidency: How to make a difference?
    Jeske van Seters, Mikaela Gavas, Niels Keijzer, Geert Laporte, ECDPM Briefing Note, July 2012 

    MDGs 2.0: What Goals, Targets and Timeframe? 
    Jonathan Karver, Charles Kenny, Andy Sumner, IDS Working Paper No 398, July 2012

    Towards Stronger ACP Agricultural Value Chains (A Programme Completion Report)
    All ACP Agricultural Commodities Programme, July 2012

    Country-by-Country Reporting: Accounting for globalization locally
    Richard Murphy FCA for the Tax Justice Network, Tax Justice Network, July 2012

    Transparency in Corporate Reporting: Assessing the World’s Largest Companies 
    Barbara Kowalczyk-Hoyer, Transparency International, July 2012

    Public Financial Management Reforms In Post-Conflict Countries Synthesis Report
    World Bank, Global Center on Conflict Security and Development, PREM Network, July 2012

    Matching Reforms to Institutional Realities: A Framework for Assessing Social Service Delivery Reform Strategies in Developing Countries
    Ariel Fiszbein and Yasuhiko Matsuda, Policy Research Working Paper 6136, World Bank, July 2012

    A Global Perspective on Effectiveness of Aid for Trade
    Maria Berrittella and Jian Zhang, Policy Research Working Paper 6126, World Bank, July 2012

    Political Transitions and New Socioeconomic Bargains in North Africa
    Stephen King, Economic Brief, African Development Bank, July 2012

    OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2012-2021
    OECD and FAO, July 2012

    World Investment Report 2012: Towards a New Generation of Investment Polices
    UNCTAD, July 2012

    Regionalizing infrastructure for deepening market integration: the case of East Africa
    Ioannis N. Kessides, Policy Research Working Paper 6113, World Bank, June 2012

    Doing business to fight poverty? An evaluation of the Belgian Investment Company for Developing 
    Countries (BIO)
    Jan Van de Poel, 11.11.11, June 2012

    Investing mineral wealth in development assets: Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone
    Daniel Boakye, Sébastien Dessus, Yusuf Foday, Felix Oppong, Policy Research Working Paper 6089, 
    World Bank, June 2012

    Key Drivers of PPPs in Electricity Generation in Developing Countries Cross-Country Evidence of Switching between PPP Investment in Fossil Fuel and Renewable-Based Generation
    Maria Vagliasindi, Policy Research Working Paper 6118, World Bank, July 2012

    Guide to the Services Trade Restrictions Database
    Ingo Borchert, Batshur Gootiiz, Aaditya Mattoo, Policy Research Working Paper 6108, World Bank, June 2012

    This article was published in GREAT Insights Volume 1, Issue 6 (August 2012).

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