The challenge of measuring peace and security: What role for African regional frameworks in Goal 16?
The inclusion of Goal 16 in the proposed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) reflects the growing international consensus that governance and peace and security are important for development. Adedayo Bolaji-Adio contributes a chapter to this latest book on peace and security in the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals. This e-book is available to download through Amazon (Kindle or free app) Key Messages
- Regional initiatives like the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) provide the type of in-depth political analysis that is necessary for conducting a rigorous assessment of countries’ progress on Goal 16. To date, the APRM has served as a useful early warning tool for conflict resolution, and it has highlighted a number of crucial governance issues, which African countries have then sought to address in national development plans.
- The principle of “common but differentiated responsibility” as described in the 1992 Rio Declaration can provide a good framework for developing indicators to measure governance at the global and national levels. A two-tiered system of measurement, with standardised indicators at the global level and country-specific indicators at the national level, could be an effective way to accommodate the differences in governance approaches between countries.
- Indicators, however, can provide only limited information on governance and peace and security, which alone is insufficient for supporting progress in these areas. The targets under Goal 16 are complex, inherently political and country-specific.
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