Taking Stock of the Joint EU-Africa Strategy and Africa’s International Relations


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    Meeting in Addis in February 2010, African Heads of States discussed a report which reviewed Africa's relations with different international partners. This year will be a milestone in EU-AU relations. African and European Heads of States will meet at the end of November to discuss the framework guiding the relationship between the two continents, namely the Joint Africa-EU Strategy (JAES) and its associated Action Plan. 

    This small meeting, organised by the European Centre for Development Policy Management and the South African Institute of International Affairs, will discuss the JAES and its current challenges within the context of Africa's international relations and emerging actors on the continent. The purpose is to share perspectives within the two continents on the subject, both within Africa and Europe.

    This meeting was kindly sponsored by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in South Africa and was hosted in partnership with ECDPM

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