Read the top ten ECDPM blogs of 2013

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      This year a lot had happened in international development and co-operation. The EU External Action Service review was launched, the African Union celebrated its’ 50th anniversary, and dialogue around the post-2015 agenda began to take centre stage. We look back over the last year of ECDPM blogs and share the top ten of 2013. The most viewed blogs have covered topics from political economy analysis to regional integration in Southern Africa.

      Top ten blogs of 2013:

      1. EEAS review and development: yet another EU coordination challenge? 
      2. What and who drives regional integration in Southern Africa? 
      3. Le Tarif Extérieur Commun de la CEDEAO est-il une bonne nouvelle pour les paysans de l’Afrique de l’Ouest francophone ? 
      4. Challenges in 2014: the Post-2015 agenda
      5. Barriers to trade in agricultural goods: let’s focus on solutions, not on problems
      6. The post-2015 development framework – An update on EU, Africa and UN proceedings
      7. Is there a future for Political Economy Analysis in the European Commission? 
      8. Post-2015: Four things the EU should consider to achieve ‘A Decent Life for All’ 
      9. Post 2015 and beyond 2020: What new perspectives for Africa-EU and ACP-EU relations? 
      10. West Africa on the move to accelerate the implementation of its regional agricultural policy (ECOWAP)

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