Calendar and Resources, GREAT Insights, Volume 1, Issue 4 (June 2012)
CALENDAR June 11-13 95th Session of the ACP Council of Ministers, Port Vila, Vanuatu 14-15 37th Session of the ACP-EU Council of Ministers, Port Vila, Vanuatu TBC Joint EAC-EU technical and Senior Officials Meetings (venue TBC) July 27 Pacific ACP Officials Meeting, Suva, Fiji TBC 2nd CARIFORUM-EU Business Forum, with the theme “Making the CARIFORUM-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) Work”, United Kingdom 9-13 Joint EAC-EU Technical Officials meeting (Brussels, Belgium) TBC Joint EAC-EU technical and Senior Officials Meetings (venue TBC) RESOURCES Tapping the potential of regional agricultural trade: Why regional cooperation and integration are important for CAADP and food security Francesco Rampa, ECDPM Briefing Note, May 2012 Rethinking Aid for Trade in the context of innovative financing Dan Lui, Bruce Byiers and Jeske van Seters, ECDPM Briefing Paper 127, May 2012 Review of the CoMEsA Aid for Trade strategy Dan Lui and Jeske van Seters, ECDPM Discussion Paper 130, May 2012 Agricultural Research in Africa: Why CAADP should follow IAAsTD Mark Curtis, APRODEV and PELUM briefing paper, May 2012 The Tripartite Free Trade Area Towards new African integration paradigm TRALAC, May 2012 Unlocking North Africa’s Potential through Regional Integration: challenges and opportunities Emanuele Santi, Saoussen Ben Romdhane and William Shaw (eds), African Development Bank Group, May 2012 “Mixed signals” still? The Eu’s Democracy and Human Rights Policy since the outbreak of the Arab spring Daniela Huber, Istituto Affari Internazionali, Working Papers 12, May 2012 Fairer Mining Concessions in Africa: How Can this be Achieved? Ousman Gajigo, Emelly Mutambatsere and Guirane Ndiaye, Africa Economic Brief Volume 3 Issue 3, April 2012 Opening Pandora’s box: The New Wave of land Grabbing by the Extractive Industries and the Devastating Impact on Earth Philippe Sibaud, Gaia Foundation, February 2012 The Export Performance of Countries within Global Value Chains (GVCs) Andrea Beltramello, Koen De Backer, Laurent Moussiegt, OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Papers 2012/02 Leading Dragons Phenomenon New opportunities for Catch-up in low-Income Countries Vandana Chandra, Justin Yifu Lin, Yan Wang, World Bank Institute Policy Research Working Paper 6000, march 2012 Dealing With Disclosure: Improving Transparency in Decision-Making over large-scale land Acquisitions, Allocations and Investments, International land Coalition The Oakland Institute, Global Witness, April 2012 Reducing Distortions in International Commodity Markets Bernard Hoekman and Will Martin, World Bank Economic Premise 82, May 2012 Tax Competition in East Africa: A Race to the Bottom? Tax Justice Network-Africa and ActionAid International, April 2012 Tax Competition in East Africa: A Race to the Bottom? Tax Incentives and Revenue losses in Uganda Tax Justice Network-Africa and ActionAid International, April 2012 Bridging the Atlantic south-south Partnering for Growth Brazil and sub-saharan Africa World Bank and IPEA, May 2012 Removing Barriers to Trade between Ghana and Nigeria: strengthening Regional Integration by Implementing ECoWAs Commitments Mombert Hoppe and Francis Aidoo, World Bank Policy Note No. 30, March 2012 Assessing the Price Raising Impact of Non-Tariff Measures in Africa Olivier Cadot and Julien Gourdon, World Bank Policy Note No. 29, March 2012 Import Bans in Nigeria Create Poverty Volker Treichel, Mombert Hoppe, Olivier Cadot, Julien Gourdon, World Bank Policy Note No.28, March 2012 Zambia Revenue Authority Commission of Enquiry Kingsley Chanda et al., January 2012 Trade Policy options for Enhancing Food Aid Effectiveness Edward Clay, ICTSD Programme on Agricultural Trade and Sustainable Development, May 2012 This article was published in GREAT Insights Volume 1, Issue 4 (June 2012).
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