Peacebuilding and Statebuilding – Volume 4, Issue 1 (December 2014/January 2015)
Today, violent conflict and insecurity affect more than 1.5 billion people globally, with numbers rising, and will be one of the major foreign and development policy challenges for the international community. This issue of GREAT Insights is our first ever issue on peacebuilding and statebuilding. It presents views on how these challenges can be faced from a broad range of authors; including Joelle Jenny, Director for Conflict Prevention and Security Policy at the EEAS, Dr. Khabele Matlosa, Director for Political Affairs at the AUC, Habib Ur Rehman Mayar, g7+ Secretariat Specialist and various other consultants and advisors.
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Dr. San Bilal Head of Economic Transformation Programme, ECDPM, Volker Hauck, Head of Conflict, Security and Resilience Programme, ECDPM, and Frauke de Weijer, Senior Policy Officer Conflict, Security and Resilience Programme, ECDPM
Today, violent conflict and insecurity affect more than 1.5 billion people globally, with numbers rising, and will be one of the major foreign and development policy challenges for the international community. Policy agendas focusing on conflict prevention, crisis management and peace consolidation have been created with vigour since the early 2000’s in response to the Rwandan genocide and the recurrence of civil wars …
Institutional approaches
The Growing Role of Conflict Prevention in Support of the EU's Efforts in Peacebuilding and Statebuilding
Joelle Jenny, Director for Conflict Prevention and Security Policy, EEAS
Current international developments present a serious challenge to any actor seeking to play a positive role in the world. The sheer number of concurrent crises; the complexity of inter-locking conflicts; the emergence of new, often trans-national and non-state violent actors; the simultaneous return to geo-political rivalry and resurgent nationalism in some quarters; the catastrophic humanitarian consequences, are ...
The African Union's Africa Governance Architecture Linkages with the African Peace and Security Architecture
Dr. Khabele Matlosa, Director for Political Affairs at the Department of Political Affairs, AUC
Africa has made considerable strides in striving towards democratic and participatory governance. Today, African leaders are convinced, more than ever before, that democratic governance and durable peace are a fundamental sine qua non for sustainable human development. All major Organization of African Unity (OAU)/African Union (AU) normative frameworks bear testimony to this firm conviction by African leaders ...
Youth Unemployment in the Great Lakes Region: A Challenge for Peacebuilding and Sustainable Development
Pamphile Sebahara, Head of Research, Training and Documentation Department, ICGLR Levy Mwanawasa Regional Centre for Democracy, and Edgar Cizero Ntasano, Research Assistant, ECDPM
Youth unemployment is increasingly recognised as a driver of instability and violence in many African countries. Deeply concerned by this significant trend, the Heads of State and Government of the 12 Member States of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) held a Special Summit on the theme “Fight against youth unemployment through infrastructure development and investment ...
New Deal
The Role of the New Deal in Supporting Countries Transition out of Fragility: A g7+ Perspective
Habib Ur Rehman Mayar, Senior Policy Specialist, g7+ Secretariat
The New Deal was born against a background of ineffective responses in the form of development intervention to countries affected by conflict and fragility. Responses varied from military interventions to softer tools of diplomacy and development programmes, often delivered in an incoherent fashion. The recipient countries have rarely been on the deciding seats of these, whereas experience has shown that the peacebuilding and statebuilding is primarily an endogenous process and has to be led by the country itself ...
Cautions against Conflation: Peacebuilding and Statebuilding as Distinct and Complementary Policy Agendas
Erin McCandless, Senior Advisor on Resilience and Peacebuilding, Interpeace
Over the last decade, peacebuilding and statebuilding have been increasingly merged as policy agendas. There is logic to this; as the OECD-Development Assistance Committee (DAC) has argued, they form an interrelated process with similar underlying problems and a common overall purpose. The aid community has broadly adopted this view, arguing the need for aid synergy and effectiveness. Think tanks ...
Why Did the New Deal Compact in South Sudan Fail to get Signed?
Hafeez Wani, National NGO focal point for South Sudan NGO Forum
The endorsement of the New Deal for engagement in fragile states in November 2011 at the 4th High level Forum on Aid effectiveness in Busan was celebrated as a global reform initiative aimed at accelerating the progress of development in conflict affected and fragile states. South Sudan was one of the first countries to implement the New Deal, and was prepared to sign a New Deal Compact in December 2013. This article discusses ...
Peacebuilding and statebuilding trajectories
Promoting Governance and Inclusive Development
Sarah Cliffe, Special Adviser, The World Bank and former Assistant Secretary General, UN
Does peace-building fail without good governance and all-inclusive development? Yes – and no. It depends on your timeframe and whether you expect constant progress, or more of a pattern of “two steps forward, one step back” ...
Development with Chinese Characteristics: Ten Lessons for Policymakers
Seth D. Kaplan, Professorial Lecturer in the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at Johns Hopkins University
Is the 21st century already the Chinese Century? Countries all over the developing world, from Ethiopia and Rwanda to Kazakhstan and Bolivia, are increasingly looking to China as a model for how to launch, sustain, and manage rapid economic growth. Top officials visit China on study trips. National planning bodies issue ambitious documents modelled on China’s experience ...
Thematic perspectives
The Role of Justice in Peacebuilding: Lessons from Transitional Justice
Dr. Laura Davis, Transitional Justice Consultant and Associate Researcher, University of Ghent
Transitional justice initiatives are often undertaken in societies emerging from violent conflict and/or authoritarian rule. “Transitional justice” refers to a set of judicial and non-judicial approaches that societies may use to deal with the legacy of massive and systematic human rights violations, to contribute to fairer, more democratic societies in which human rights are respected and protected ...
Rule of Law is a Game of Thrones
Sheelagh Stewart, Governance, Rule of Law and Gender Consultant and Senior Research Associate, ODI
Having had Cinderella status for many years, justice and security – or rule of law programming - is having a development ‘moment’. It is seen now as at least a critical part of a holistic development package, at most possibly the most critical piece of the development package. At the same time evidence is emerging which suggests that rule of law interventions are mostly not working. Our understanding of what makes an effective intervention urgently needs sharpening before the rule of law is abandoned ...
Fostering Private Sector Development in Fragile States: Why Public-Private Dialogue is Part of the Recipe
Steve Utterwulghe, Senior Private Sector Development Specialist and Global Lead for Public Private Dialogue, World Bank Group
Private sector development (PSD) is playing a crucial role in the expanding field of post-conflict economic development and poverty alleviation strategies in fragile states. However, fragile states face major private sector challenges such as difficult access to finance, power and markets, poor infrastructure, high levels of corruption and a lack of transparency in the regulatory environment ...
Building Peace in the Sahel: A Regional Perspective
Laurent Bossard, Director of the Sahel and West Africa Club Secretariat (SWAC/OECD)
Affected by the now chronic instability resulting from trafficking and terrorism, Sahelian countries, namely Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger, are all vulnerable to varying degrees. What we commonly call the “Sahel Strategies” therefore all have a strong “governance” component, focusing notably on security force and legal system reforms as well as on human rights and education. More generally, the governance pillar aims to ...
Further Thematic Reading
EPA Update
Talking Points Blog
In addition to structural support by ECDPM’s institutional partners The Netherlands, Belgium, Finland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, and Austria, this particular issue also benefits from funding from the Department of International Development (DFID), United Kingdom.