Linking Knowledge and Communication – ECDPM Strategy on Knowledge Management and Communication
ECDPM has long had an established practice on Knowledge Management and Communication (KMC). Dating back to the early 1990s, ECDPM was one of the first development institutes of the day to integrate the new information and communication technologies with policy research, dialogue and dissemination. Over the years, C&I developed into a key activity of ECDPM, with its own programme and activities.
The External Evaluation of ECDPM in 2006 proposed integrating communication, information and technology more closely with the Centre’s other working areas. In response, a new structure was created in ECDPM in 2007 which spans three programmes (Economic and Trade Cooperation, Development Policy and International Relations and Governance). Knowledge Management (KM), which also includes the area of communication, was defined as a cross-cutting area of work providing strategic as well operational inputs to all parts of the Centre. The KM unit officially took up its tasks on 1 April 2007 when implementation of the new ECDPM Strategy 2007-2011 began.
This ECDPM Knowledge Management and Communication Strategy is part of the Centre’s response to the External Evaluation 2006. It takes the ECDPM Strategy 2007-2011 as its reference point and is based on the fact that changes are needed in three areas:
Improving the Centre’s KM activities and tailoring them more closely to the needs of the thematic programmes and Centre-wide activities (e.g., using Centre seminars more strategically; more effective use of the internal website for knowledge sharing);
Optimising our communication, in particular, the provision of well-presented information to immediate stakeholders and partners (e.g., find the right mix of communication products per policy process, i.e., how many discussion papers, what type of websites, which seminars, etc.)
Addressing our overall outreach and communication to wider sector audiences and the public (e.g., producing a Corporate Flagship publication; making the home page of our Corporate website more attractive; etc.)