Investing in Europe's global role: The must-have guide for the negotiations of the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027
In 2019, a new European Parliament, new European Commission and new President of the European Council will have their hands full with the negotiations of the 2021-2027 budget. They will need to agree on the amount and the focus of billions of euros and on how to distribute these along different political priorities. There is still all to play for and these negotiations may well run late into 2020.
This guide is a consolidated independent reference point for policymakers, analysts and advocates – inside and outside of the negotiating process. It provides non-partisan insight on the key challenges, issues at stake and dynamics driving change.
The EU Multiannual Financial Framework negotiations are known for their complexity. The devil is in the detail. Whether you are interested in the EU’s relations with its Neighbourhood, Africa, Asia or Latin America, or thematic issues such as peace and security, migration or development cooperation, this compendium guides you through the salient issues and decisions that the negotiators will have to address. It analyses the European Commission’s initial proposals and the key reactions and reflections that these proposals have provoked in the broader and crucial political game for power, influence and control.
This publication is based on work produced in 2017, 2018, and early 2019. Additional and new information on themes covered in this book can be found on ECDPM’s website.
The views expressed are solely those of the authors and not necessarily those of ECDPM.
Prior permission is not required for quoting, translating or reproducing part of the contents of this publication, provided the source is fully acknowledged. More details on quoting can be found in the book.