How serious is the EU about reducing fragmentation?
The EU has a long history of internal agreements to improve coordination and complementarity between its Member States and with the EU institutions on development cooperation. The Code of Conduct on Complementarity and Division of Labour agreed by Council in May 2007 is the latest example and the internal cornerstone of the EU’s current efforts to reduce fragmentation. With the Code now in place for 6 years and the EU’s next multi-annual budget cycle about to start in January 2014 this is a good moment to ask how serious the EU – that is the Commission and Member States – is about implementing the Code and reducing fragmentation.
The paper reviews evidence of the EU’s record in adopting different approaches to coordination and complementarity in its efforts to improve aid effectiveness. The case for and value of reducing fragmentation, in terms of improving aid effectiveness has been made extensively in the Paris-Accra-Busan HLF aid effectiveness dialogue process and is not reiterated here.