How are the EU and African countries working together on mutual interests?
The definition of mutual interests is a good occasion to ask how development objectives are integrated in the Global gateway strategy and the NDICI-Global Europe. The programming phase of the NDICI-Global Europe allowed the EU not only to define its cooperation activities, but primarily to set its interests and priorities for each partner country, and then seek where and how these could match with the partner country’s priorities. But how has this worked in practice?
As Botswana’s ambassador to the Kingdom of Belgium and permanent representative to the EU, H.E. Mmasekgoa Masire-Mwamba reveals how Botswana has negotiated its mutual interests with the EU, how this affects its partnership and the asymmetry of this relationship.
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About the podcast series
As the European Union becomes more transactional and interest-driven in its approach to development policy, it is vital to research how the change is perceived by partner countries.
In EU development policy shifts in practice: Voices from Africa, Amandine Sabourin interviews key partners in EU development policy, from ambassadors to local civil society leaders and European diplomats, to finally shine a light on how rulings designed in Brussels are actually playing out on the ground, the effect on the EU’s relationship with its partners, and vital lessons for the EU if it wants to achieve its development ambitions.