Evaluation of EU support to Research and Innovation for development in partner countries (2007-2013)
This evaluation examined the support the European Commission’s DG for Development and International Cooperation (DEVCO) provided to Research and Innovation (R&I) in partner countries during the last EU budget period (2007-2013). Support to R&I was a major theme of DEVCO work, yet one that is hidden, not recognised and poorly understood. A new departure is to be found in the Joint Africa-EU Strategy signed in December 2007, which identifies support to R&I as a cross-cutting tool and one of eight pillars of co-operation. The evaluation concluded that while DG DEVCO had achieved a lot with its support to R&I at the sector level, the lack of an overall strategy or explicit overall commitment to support R&I undermined the overall impact of its work in this important area for development.
Final report
Executive summary
Volume 2 (Evaluation matrices)
Volume 3 (Annexes 1-8)
Volume 4 (Annex 9)