The Centre is now well into its current Strategic Plan period that started in 2012. The years 2014-2015 are the core years of the period and will be marked by a Mid-Term Review of the Strategy during which ECDPM expects to consolidate the progress achieved and further strengthen the focus and relevance of our work as we confront new challenges. This Work Plan therefore provides for considerable continuity in our work but also proposes three important changes with respect to the previous plan: (a) a more concerted effort to increase ECDPM’s presence in Africa, (b) a stronger emphasis on knowledge management and communication and (c) the merger of our two ‘economic’ programmes into one. These changes are explained in the following pages. Overall our intention is to maintain ECDPM’s strong track record as an independent broker and contributor to strengthening cooperation and relations between Europe, its Member States and institutions, and the countries and institutions of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP). The Strategic Plan, which has shown its worth by guiding our work over the past two years, was based on an external evaluation carried out by a team of experts from Africa and Europe. The evaluation concluded that ECDPM had become well established as a centre of excellence that achieves substantial outcomes and impacts in relation to EU-ACP policy, cooperation and related capacities.
Read the Work Plan 2014-2015
See also the French version of the Work Plan 2014-2015